Monday 2 February 2009

How much is this artwork worth to you?

A week’s stay in the south of France, an exhibition space in Berlin, a kiss, a smile, a therapy session – these were just some of the offers scribbled on post-it notes and stuck on the wall around the artworks on show at the Bozar in Brussels this weekend.

The idea behind Truc Troc, as the event is known (in French “truc” means “thing” and “troc” means “exchange, barter”), is that contemporary artists get the opportunity to exhibit their art and the public is invited to offer something in exchange for the work. It really makes you think about how much you’d give to be the owner of a particular piece.

The paintings, installations and photographs were on display Saturday and Sunday. The artists will now be looking at the bids and deciding which, if any, appeals and is a good deal for them.

There were four works that I would love to have in my apartment and for which I made an offer. I’ll let you know if I hear back!


Anonymous said...

Why Art would have a price ?
because some people want to live from and value their Art and other accept to pay.
If no customer, no price, Art ?
Art is at first a question of feeling, love and heart. Art's price ? let's that for money oriented people.
vive le quatuor à cordes

Anna Jenkinson said...

Interesting thought, and true to a certain extent.

But if I, for example, can't create an artwork myself and don't have artist friends who want to give me a piece of art as a gesture, then how else can I appreciate a work in my own home?

I rather liked the idea of offering another skill, talent or service, instead of money, for a painting or photograph.